New compact BOGE screw compressed air stations deliver big performance in small
December 23, 2015
BOGE Compressors, a leading supplier of industrial compressed air systems, has launched a selection of new screw compressed air stations to extend its popular C series. The innovative C4 (D)R to C15 (D)R received mounted models are specifically designed for applications that demand reliable, energy efficient compressed air supply but where space is at a premium.

The construction principle behind the new models is intelligent yet simple. All major components are integrated into the airend block and all maintenance parts are arranged so that they are easily accessible for easy servicing. By arranging all essential parts in one compact module, pipework and connecting leads can be removed and pressure losses are avoided. This boosts the efficiency of the systems and guarantees high operating reliability. They can also be equipped with refrigerant dryer, frequency control or heat recovery technology for further efficiency gains.
In addition, ease of use has also been prioritised. Information can easily be read off the high-resolution colour display and touchscreen buttons make it exceptionally simple to operate. The compressors also feature super silencers, which ensure that the compressors run extremely quietly – so quietly that the compressors can be used in much closer proximity to workplaces than is normally possible.
Commenting on the new C series models, Mark Whitmore, General Manager at BOGE Compressors, said: “The availability of space is a common issue for businesses that require compressed air, but the small footprint of the new C series models means small- and medium-sized businesses need no longer worry about space limitations. The new compressors are not just compact, they also feature proven technology and deliver energy efficient and quiet performance, making them a valuable addition to existing models in our popular C series.”