
Compression train added to Camisea site

June 8, 2018
   Siemens to deliver a SGT-700 compression train for wellhead project in Peru.

  Siemens will supply another SGT-700 mechanical drive compression train for the Camisea gas-condensate asset located in Peru.
  The equipment, identical to that Siemens supplied in 2011, is essential to the continuing exploration and production of hydrocarbons in Block 88, operated by Pluspetrol Peru Corporation S.A. Because of the natural gas pressure decline of the reservoirs, the Camisea production plan includes a centralized wellhead compression system for all fields.
  The scope of supply includes an SGT-700 mechanical drive gas turbine, driving two STC-SV centrifugal compressors, including associated equipment such as gas coolers, scrubbers, instrumentation, valves and spare parts. Equipment commissioning is scheduled for mid-2020.
  The SGT-700 package was recently upgraded by enhancing the airfoils, increasing firing temperatures, and improving the blade design which further improved the unit’s reliability and increased the power rating from 32 MW to 33 MW ISO, while maintaining commonality in spare parts.
  “This compressor train will allow Pluspetrol to save valuable time and expense in terms of execution, installation, and operator training. In addition, our large service infrastructure based in Peru helps ensure long-term support of the complete installed fleet,” said Matthew Chinn, executive vice president of New Equipment Solutions for the Dresser-Rand business.