
Ariel to Co-Sponsor natural gas compression degree

November 16, 2017
   Monday, August 28 -- Brett Parks, Ariel’s Sales and Distribution Development Manager, met with educators at the Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science Technology (CPI) near Pleasant Gap, PA to introduce a new two-year degree program sponsored by Ariel. The program, a joint endeavor by Ariel and Cleveland Brothers, is one of only two in the country to offer an associate’s degree in natural gas compression.
  Parks spoke about the benefits of the curriculum in his speech: “This program and others like it will help develop our energy infrastructure and allow local people to gain the necessary training to pursue opportunities in the oil & gas industry in states like PA, OH, WV…”
  Students within the program will have the opportunity to work on genuine Ariel compressors in the classroom and learn from leaders in the industry in order to acquire a truly first-rate education in natural gas compression.
  Upon successful completion of their first term, students will have the opportunity to be interviewed by partners of the program, including Ariel. If pre-hired, students will receive company-sponsored tuition reimbursement to complete their degree.
  Parks closed the ceremony by saying, “I look forward to the start of this program and watching the students develop, year after year.” Ariel is proud to have a role in higher education and hopes eventually to take the curriculum created at CPI to other schools across the country.